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About Me

My Story

Love for God, Food and Nature

Due to life’s circumstances and some choices of my own, I have been living alone here in the country, surrounded by hundreds of acres of woods for over ten years. With me today is my 13-year-old dachshund and Miss Kitty. I am a Christian woman who loves The Lord, my daughter, nature, playing in the dirt, good music, good food and an occasional glass (or two) of good wine. I have lots of family and friends that I love to spend time with, but most of my time is spent alone.

I have collected recipes since I was 17. My main focus now days is finding new, delicious ways to prepare vegetables, greens, legumes, nuts, and seeds. For in these foods lies all of the nutrition that God provided to keep our bodies healthy and energized. Don’t get me wrong, I still love all of the foods that I grew up on and have eaten throughout my life… cheeseburgers, pizza, fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, etc., but I just don’t eat them every day. I try to eat to live, not live to eat.